Top Picks for Valentines Day Gifts

There’s a reason flowers and chocolate are big Valentine’s Day gifts. But flowers die quickly and chocolate conflicts with those New Year’s resolutions so many of us just made. So we’ve provided a list of...

Get Organized for the New Year!

How many times have you started January with the intent of getting more organized? Yet despite New Year’s resolutions or best intentions, we rarely make progress in this area of our lives.   But what if instead of the...

Holiday Cooking with Kids without Losing Your Mind--Do's & Don'ts

As the holiday approaches, families gather around the kitchen.  We've got tips that maximize the fun of bringing kids into the cooking, while minimizing the stress for you that little hands can sometimes bring!

13 Best Family Halloween Costumes (that are also easy!)

Don't tell anyone, but one of the main reasons I had children was so that I got to go trick-or-treating again.  There's something about the idea of free candy, even when it's your kids that...

10 Unique (and Wanted) Wedding Gifts

  In general, we are big believers in the wedding registry. People have told you what they want for their wedding or engagement; it’s a good idea to listen. We all have a story of...

What's your most important childhood keepsake?

When my mom was only 13-years-old, her mother died after a painful battle with cancer.  Her father got remarried to a woman who, to put it mildly, was not the warm and fuzzy type.  When...

Fourth of July Treats to Savor

Our Favorite July 4th Super Simple Desserts If you've waited til the last minute, these desserts are simple ways to fire up the crowd and get a great look. Jello Firecrackers The key to these red, white...

Sunday Night Dinners–The Importance of a Family Meeting

Last year, we were lucky enough to see best-selling author and New York Times family editor Bruce Feiler, who has done an intense study of what makes families happy, found models of what works.  One of...

Preserving Baby's First Photo

These days, the first photo of our little ones emerges before they do: the sonogram. As you may have noticed, they’re not printed on the most sturdy of materials. Indeed, the Scrapbook Preservation Society (SPS)...