#Whatsinyourlibrary? Savor talks to fashion leader and passionate earth mother, Nicole Fasolino

#Whatsinyourlibrary? Savor talks to fashion leader and passionate earth mother, Nicole Fasolino

Nicole Fasolino holding on to your children

The objects we keep tell our stories.  We want to share yours.  Today, we are kicking off our #whatsinyourlibrary series with one of our favorite moms, Nicole Fasolino, who is a leader in the fashion world, a passionate environmentalist, and one of the most devoted, sentimental moms we know.  If you want us to feature you, please shoot us an email at info@savor.us.

What's in your Library?  My journals from when I was pregnant with my kids Luca and India. I started writing in journals as a kid, with one of those Hello Kitty diaries with the lock and key. But through the years these notebooks have been my therapy, my hope and my friendship. They’re filled with my most honest and often heartbreaking fears. I go through periods when I don’t write at all, simply because I don’t have time nowadays or because I’m just peacefully happy and don’t need to talk myself through things. But the journals from my pregnancies and my first months being a mom, well, those are pieces of art. They are letters from my former self to my children and their children.

Nicole Fasolino savoring those precious moments by making funny faces with her children

When my kids grow up, I want them to remember.... Every little thing. But since I know that’s not possible, the most important thing is our travels. Our every day routine is pure happiness, it’s simple, it’s fun, it’s crazy. But it’s our travel life that has formed who Luca and Indi are, and who we all are as a unit, as a family. It’s the 18-hour flight delays and the bargaining at the souk and the wide eyes at the prayers coming from the mosques and the soccer games with strangers in the streets, the full moon parties dancing on the beach, the unknown languages, the drums and the singing, the bracelets made by a woman and her kids as we stand watching and the smiling families with only a dirt walled shack. Those are the lessons and the memories we all hold on tight to now, the ones I hope they take with them for life.

My favorite family tradition is…. Shelter Island in August. We have been going for 7 years and it’s the most freedom you can possibly have -- Bare feet, totally salted, sandy and tanned. Without that month, we would all unravel.

Nicole Fasolino sharing precious moments with her children

Packrat or tosser? Tosser. I am always sneaking around finding objects to toss. I really am not attached to many things so it’s really easy for me to just say goodbye and not think twice.

On weekends my family.... Max works Saturdays at his gallery, so it’s me with the kids alone, which I love, actually. Each weekend is a total adventure, usually leaving the house at 9am and not returning home until 6pm or later. Sundays are our family day to play soccer, snowboard, surf, do go-carting, head up to the country or the beach, or just walk the city and snuggle.

A snaphot for memories, by Nicole Fasolino

The memento I wish I'd kept was.... I had this little locket as a child, it was a gold heart and as far back as first grade I remember putting in my pocket to feel safe. I wish I had it still for my kids but somewhere along the way it went missing…Breaks my heart when I think about it.

Behind the camera or in the picture? Both. I’m never not snapping pictures: for work, for family, for memories. But I realized when Luca was about 3 years old that I barely had any photos of us because I was always the one taking the pics. So now I make a huge effort to hand the camera off and be together with the kids.

Family trips are a time of developing memories

The best thing my kid said this week was... “I think we should buy presents for Santa. He does so much for everyone, let’s surprise him with gifts!” – shocking because it’s July, why is he thinking of Santa? Also, I just love it so much that he still believes in these things!

My favorite family trip was… Morocco over Christmas last year. We go to Morocco often as we have family there, but this particular trip was exquisite in every way. It was soccer in the grass with grandparents, cousins, siblings and every single one of the family members there (about 12 of us total). It was shopping in the souk. It was camel riding and ATV’s in the desert and long lunches with rose by the pool. I could go on and on, but mostly it was perfect because it was all love and peace.